Reddit Search Tools Guide

With the Find Subreddits feature, you can effortlessly enter keywords to quickly discover Subreddits that are ideal for promoting your business. Advanced search options allow you to precisely target the right communities, saving time and resources. In the following tutorial, we will walk you through how to use these features to make your promotion more efficient.
Step 1: Enter Keywords

Step 2: Click the Analyze Button

After entering the keywords, click on the orange button labeled “Analyze How Your Competitor Promote itself in each Subreddit.” The system will automatically start analyzing Subreddits related to your keywords.
Step 3: View Analysis Report

After clicking the analyze button, the page will display a report consisting of the following sections:
- Subreddit Name: Lists Subreddit names related to the keyword, such as r/puppy101, r/Dogtraining, etc.
- Sample Posts: Shows the number of sampled posts with links you can click to view the content of these posts.
- Members: Displays the number of members in each Subreddit, helping you assess the community size.
Sample Posts

Clicking the links under the Sample Posts column in the report, such as Check Posts (43), will redirect you to a page displaying a list of sample post links from the Subreddit. Here are the details:
- Link Display: The sample posts are presented in a list format, where each link corresponds to a specific post.
- Direct Access: By clicking any link, you can directly access the original post on Reddit to view its content and comments.
- Content Insights: These posts allow you to analyze the interests and trending topics among Subreddit users, helping you refine your promotion strategy.

The Members column displays the number of members in each Subreddit. This information helps you quickly assess the size and activity level of each community. After clicking the “Check Subreddits Members” button on the right side of the report page, wait for a moment, and the system will automatically populate the member counts for each community.
Step 4: Using Advanced Search Settings
Click Advanced Search Settings to open the advanced search options. This section provides features to help you refine your search for target Subreddits.
Exclude Subreddits

In the Exclude Subreddits input field, you can specify the names of Subreddits you want to exclude from the search results. For example, if you enter puppy101, any community related to r/puppy101 will be excluded from the results. This feature is case-insensitive, ensuring flexible and effective filtering.
Use Case
When you already know certain Subreddits are irrelevant to your target promotion or are outside the scope of your interest, this feature helps refine the search results by removing unwanted communities and focusing on more relevant ones.
Locked Subs

In the Locked Subs input field, you can specify the names of Subreddits you want to lock into the results. Unlike the Exclude Subreddits feature, this option ensures that only the locked Subreddits appear in the search results, while other communities are excluded. You can list multiple Subreddits separated by commas, such as puppy101, dogtraining, and the system will show results for these communities only.
Fuzzy Terms/Exact Terms:

Purpose: The system searches more broadly, not strictly matching the exact keywords. It considers variations and related terms that may not exactly match the input but are contextually similar.
Example: Searching for Puppy Toy might return results like Pet Toy or Toys for Puppies, which are related but not exact matches of the search term.
When to Use: Use this option when you want to cast a wider net and include search results that are semantically related to the input but may not contain the exact phrasing.
No Full-Match Check/Post Content Full-Match Check:

Purpose: This option, when disabled, ensures that search results must contain the exact phrase or keywords entered. When enabled, it allows the search to include results that are thematically related but do not strictly include the exact keywords.
Example: With “No Full-Match Check” enabled, searching Dog Training might include “training for dogs” or puppy training tips. With it disabled, results must exactly contain Dog Training.
When to Use: Enable this option when you are open to broader thematic results rather than limiting the search to exact keyword matches. Disable it when the results must strictly contain the exact keywords or phrases.
(Enabling this feature may slow down the search results as the AI needs to go through every post found.)
Time Filter
The time filter allows you to refine your search results based on the publication time of posts. This is particularly useful for finding recent or time-specific content.
Available Options
- Anytime: Displays posts from any time period without restrictions.
- Past Year: Displays posts published within the past year only.
- Past Month: Displays posts published within the past month only.
When to Use
- Use Past Year or Past Month to focus on recent community discussions or market trends.
- Select Anytime to explore long-term popular topics or broadly discussed subjects.
Get More Relevant Subreddits

By clicking the Get More Relevant Subreddits button, the system redirects you to the Anvaka website. Here, you can input the name of a target Subreddit (e.g., puppy101) to generate a visual graph of related Subreddits.
Each node on the graph represents a Subreddit, while the lines indicate their relationships. By analyzing the graph, you can discover additional Subreddits related to your target, such as expanding from puppy101 to Dogtraining, GoldenDoodles, and more.
Logical Match Check

This option ensures that the system matches posts based on the evaluation rules you’ve set in your lead settings. It filters and returns only the posts that align logically with your product, service, or specific criteria you’ve defined. This is particularly useful when you want to ensure that the content being returned is highly relevant to your targeted audience or specific business goals, according to the rules you’ve configured.
Drawback: However, the process can be quite slow, as AI needs to scan through all the relevant posts and check the text to match the set criteria. Depending on the data volume, this could take anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour. Please be patient during this process and ensure that your rules are well-defined before enabling the Logical Match Check for optimal results.